Pre-plan cremation at

Preferred Cremation Services

The first steps of pre-planning can be the most difficult. At Preferred Cremation Services we will assist you through the process of your pre-planning options, service choices, financing and aftercare of your arrangements.

How to begin online pre-planning

We are happy to assist you with your cremation pre-needs by helping you complete the forms, make service decisions and discuss affordability options.

Online Preplanning Form

About You

Personal Information of Deceased

What service can we provide?

Why pre-plan...

Fill out our form

You may fill out as much or as little as you wish, but we do need your basic contact information so we can follow up with you to get any additional information.

Lock today's price

When you preplan cremation services, there are more options when it comes to funding. A preneed insurance policy, life insurance policy or other options can all be arranged.

Peace of mind

Our staff guarantees we will carry out the arrangements you want, just as you directed. Once the plans have been arranged, you and your family can rest easy.

Still unsure? We care for families.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the questions below to reveal each respective answer.

  • How do I start?

    To begin you may contact us, or begin by filling out our pre-planning form. This will start the process of arrangements. Our staff will contact you and walk you through the steps of arrangement. We will discuss cremation options, financing and choose personalized options if desired by you or your family. 

  • Do I have to pay in advance?

    Preplanning is merely making your wishes known; however, most families who do this choose to pre-fund the service. A preneed insurance policy, life insurance policy or other payment options can all be arranged before the time of death. At the time of death, services must be paid, so having options ahead of time can also reduce other stress related to losing someone. Doing so will relieve the financial burden on your family and offers peace of mind to you.

  • What information do I need to prearrange?

    You'll need basic information about yourself or the person you are planning for, such as date of birth, marital status, parent's full names, etc. Besides the biological information, you'll need to choose a cremation option. Our caring staff will help you with this process.

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